About Me
Onishchenko Ruslan Viktorovich — родился в 1980 г.
In 2004, he graduated from the South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky. The course is a graphic artist. Since 2007, he began an active artistic activity.
В 2008 году становится дипломантом Международной Биеннале, занимая там почетное место. Участник многих коллективных выставок. За плечами Руслана 5 персональных Выставок.
The author's works are imbued with the mystical nature of human relations. The storyline is often interwoven with marine motifs, as the sea that surrounds his city is an integral part of his life. Looking at the artist's paintings, you should forget about the world today, about the hustle and bustle of everyday life about everything that interferes and go through a world like nothing else, giving yourself up to its magic.
Ruslan's works are a bright accent of collectors of many countries of the far and near abroad.